businesses in Pershore

businesses in Pershore on business space midlands

Take a look and find out more about businesses in Pershore working to a sustainable future.

Pershore is a known as a market town in Worcestershire with a long history. It has become home to a range of small businesses and large firms, with a large percentage of these being family run.

businesses in Pershore have a strong community

The town offers a range of independent shops and restaurants and a range of country pubs with a wonderful community. Businesses in Pershore are only 20 minutes from Worcester City Centre, making it easy to access them from surrounding towns and cities. Pershore is renowned for local plums and hosts the Pershore Plum Festival every year, bringing together a local business community and attracting tourists to the town. It has a thriving agricultural sector and lots of local businesses linked to farming a food production.

Businesses in Pershore benefit from the strong sense of community created in Pershore.

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