The buyer journey and how an effective sales process align

Feb 7, 2023

Working to support businesses to develop their approach to sales is a key step in working to reduced inequalities and gender equality.

The more employees have high quality skills in sales, they more successful your company will be in securing clients. 

The buyer journey and how an effective sales process aligns. It is well recognised that typically buyers and sellers follow conflicting strategies in the sale process leading to the buyer having full control and seller frustrated.

So, what process do buyers follow?

There is a clear progression, regardless of the person’s title, product, service, or industry which show the stages of the buyer’s journey that matter most to salespeople are Engagement, Consideration, Decision, and Advocacy.

Read my blog which explores both buyers and sellers behaviours through these stages and how and effective sales person can retain control and facilitate the process to the right conclusion.

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The Business Space blog is a place for West Midland business owners to work collaboratively and share good practice as we all work for more ethical and mindful ways of working to build a sustainable way of working for future generations. 

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