How is Business Space contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals?
The UN SDGs is an agenda adopted back in 2015 and you can read more if you follow the link to their website.
There are still people in business who are finding their way to better ways of working and for many businesses, there is work to be done for the staff team to better understand the full scope of sustainability.
Being a sustainable business is so much more than recycling and thinking about carbon footprints, although this is an important part too, of course!
This blog looks to the focus the Business Space Team have set their sights upon for the coming 12 months, we are all on this journey and this blog space is where we can all share our work to doing better, through business, for our planet.
Good health and Wellbeing
When the Business Space team set up in business together through our marketing agency, TIEM Design, we wanted to create a way of working that put our mental wellbeing at the forefront of our way of working.
We work remotely, finding shared spaces to work in where are able to be flexible in how we approach our work. We work flexibly to help each other to navigate life. This includes working remotely but also extends to working hours where we trust each other to complete our responsibilities on our own timetable. This can see us working early or working late, but it means we work when we are motivated and effectively giving the best results for our clients.
This is perhaps a tenuous link to Goal 3- Good Health and Wellbeing, but we feel that by valuing the mental wellbeing of our team, we are taking care of those in our immediate business environment and modelling how flexible working can be successful working. This is a way of working that just wouldn’t have worked pre pandemic, so we have taken the opportunity provided to work differently and we know it is working for us. For our mental health, for our work life balance and for our contribution to sustainable living with less consumption of energy for a business premises or travel to get to a studio.
Quality Education
Additional training, constant research to stay current, working through qualifications to keep growing professionally and personally, each member of the Business Space team is dedicated to continuing the learn.
Goal 4- Quality Education is certainly an aspect of sustainable global living that we value, deeply. Our commitment is to extend this beyond our current team, reaching out to find ways of supporting others to develop and build transferable skills for a success future.
Gender Equality
We have a clear selection process when it comes to choosing who we work with as a team. If we feel we do not align with the ethos of a company, we will politely decline to work with them, taking a stand against working in ways that may damage our wellbeing. This is the beginning of our action for gender equality and the responsibility we take as global citizens.
We are a balanced team, we truly have equity with the core team members and the wider team of freelancers and suppliers we work with show the success of both men and women, purely selecting who we work with on their talents and their values. Our TIEM Design agency is led by a female and a male director, and our wider team also show the talents of women who have been successful in male dominated marketing and web technology professions.
Our Next steps…Sustainability in Business
It has been an idea that has taken a while to actualize, but we are proud to be able to provide this space for the West Midlands collective of businesses.
This place is for you to share the steps you are taking to be more sustainable, using the SDGs as a wider framework for understanding how you can have an impact in your immediate locality, across your industry and as a global citizen.
It doesn’t matter if you are right at the very beginning, or if you have years of experience building in sustainable business practices, this is a place for everyone to share the changes in practice, for each of us to learn and make a real difference.
How can I get involved in the Business Space Collaborative Blog?
Your membership allows you to share an unlimited number of Blogs to the collaborative Business Space Blog.
You can see what other Business Space members are writing about from their industry perspective and pick up some ideas from how other business owners are working towards the sustainable development goals and other approaches to sustainable working in business.
The Business Space blog is a place for West Midland business owners to work collaboratively and share good practice as we all work for more ethical and mindful ways of working to build a sustainable way of working for future generations.
let's talk.
Business Space Midlands LTD | Company Number: 14776901 | VAT Number 442931790